
Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm Italian.

Warning: your mouth might water. My grandmother makes the best pizza ever! When I was pregnant with Kylie my Grandma started giving me lessons on making homemade pizza and rolls. Now, nearly 4 years later I still have not mastered it, but it's pretty darn good! It's a long process but so well worth it! I had intentions of taking pictures of my pizza when it came out of the oven but when I pull that baby out, all I wanted to do was cut it and eat it! So these are the after shots. After we tore into all 4 pizzas. It was DELISH!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From the mouth of babes...

3am... Kylie crawls into my bed. "Mommy, I want to snuggle with you." 3:30am... Mommy takes Kylie back to her bed. "Mommy, I don't want to sleep in my room." "Why?" "My room tells me stories." I had to think about that one for a minute, but then realized she must have been dreaming. Just reminds you how innocent she is. *LOVE HER*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shrimp Creole

Yum! I made this for dinner last night and I had to share. It was delish! This has everything my husband loves, rice, shrimp and the spicy factor. It was super easy and a must make. Go on over here for the recipe.

Photo curtesy of


It no secret we love ketchup at our house! Looks like it's in the genes...

Monday, March 14, 2011


There is no hiding the fact that both of my kids love paci's! Kylie still loves them and it's been about a year since she has been allowed to have one. I say "allowed" because I still catch her with one every so often. I can honestly say that Kylie is half the reason Bryce likes his so much. She is constantly giving them to him. I'm always telling her "don't touch his paci's", "Kylie, stop giving those to him", "He does not need that!", and so on and so on! Bryce has his own unique way of "sucking" on them. I have yet to understand this...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The kids and I had our first beach day a couple of weeks ago. It was our first burst of warm air and we jumped on the opportunity to enjoy the warmth! Bryce still enjoys eatting sand and Kylie loaded her baithing suit down with sand from her "snow" angels. It was a great trip.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Editing

Ever since I got my new camera, I've been doing some minor editing to my pictures. What a difference it makes!! I use picnik and I love it! I saw a great video tutorial on how to use it here. Look at one of my favorite before and after photos:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...

**UPDATE**Hahahaha, I just realized it's Thursday but who's keeping track?

Peaches in bloom

We planted our peach tree right after Bryce was born and it looks like were about to get peaches for the first time soon! I'm going to document it in pictures for Kylie so we can go back and look at all the stages. She thinks it great now since it has pretty pink flowers!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

From the mouth of babes...

Kylie "Mommy, I have a fingernail falling off."
Mommy "You know what that's from right?"
Kylie "No, what?"
Mommy "Picking your nose, if you pick your nose your finger will start to fall off. That won't be very cute will it?"
Kylie "No, but it will be funny!"

Friday, March 4, 2011

On the machine...

So I've been pretty busy in the sew room lately. I feel unbelievably blessed to have this talent! I have always been creative, when I was 10 and my little sister was born, I made her a blanket and a doll made from my mom's fabric scraps. To be honest with you I never thought I was "good" enough to sew something that someone would actually buy. I was proved wrong last week when I sold over 25 outfits in an hour. I was beyond thrilled! I've been sewing like crazy and this week had another sale, not quite as lucrative but still did very well. Here are some of the outfits that I've made and sold. The best part of this is, these outfits are part of my kids wardrobe, wooohoo!