
Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm one happy girl! My wonderful Grandma and Mom gave me an early Birthday present and it came in the form of a SERGER!! For those of you that don't know what that is, look inside your shirt and look at the fished edge, that's what a serger does. I've been sewing so much lately and I get really frustrated when I pull something out of the wash and there are strings everywhere! I have been wanting to sell some of my clothes for a long time but you really can't do so without a serger. So...I asked for that for my birthday! Here is my first finished project(s). I made 10 dresses to sell on the My Bella Bums facebook sale next week. They turned out SUPER CUTE! I am in love with this dress and I can't wait to do it in a different fabric.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Yearly Doctor check up's

We were a little late with the kids yearly check up! My doctor told me to bring both of the kids together to make it easier on me, well December was a crazy month and then when I called to make an appointment they actually stopped taking well visits because of all of the sick kids. So here we are the end of January getting our year check up's. I didn't get a big surprise with either of the kids, we know Brycey Boy is big healthy boy and Ky is a tiny little healthy twig.
Bryce weighed in at 23.4 pounds. He was in the 50th % for weight, 97th % for height and 50th % for his head.
Kylie weighed in at a whopping 28 pounds! They said she has gained 5 pounds in 2 years! She was in the 25th % for weight and 25-50th % for height. She was always in the 75th for height so I guess she just stopped growing!
Kylie had to get a surprise shot, poor thing we kept telling her only Bryce had to get shots! I guess when she was 18 months they were running low on a vaccine and she wasn't able to get it. It was now available so she had to get caught up. Her reaction to the shot was kinda funny, I know I'm brutal. She screamed "OUCH", like "Hey, that hurt worse than you said it would!" Then she cried and was dramatic, my typical Ky Ky:)

Bryce did great with his shots...better than his big sis! He cried for only a few seconds. Such a strong little man! For the first time ever Bryce didn't have a bad reaction to the shots, praise the good Lord!! All of his shots in the past have made himY extremely fussy, irritable and he wouldn't sleep for days! This time around luck was on my side, he has been sleeping and a relatively happy boy.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I never posted the cute outfit I made Kylie for our Disney trip. She wore it to school last week so I took the opportunity to snap a quick picture. I love this outfit but, look how old my baby looks! She is growing up so fast!

Bryce also had a pair of matching pants out of the red mickey material, I love me some matching siblings:)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A little catch up...

Well after Christmas I had great intentions of posting Christmas pictures and telling everyone what a great holiday we had got in the way! The fast few weeks have been a little crazy. I always have 100 things going on, literally.

Normal people make New Years revolutions like, lose weight and get healthy, you know that stuff you do for 3 days and then say screw it. Well, this year instead of saying I'm going to start weight watchers, I said I was going to start being more eclectic. Sounds weird, I know. I follow this blog where Lou Lynn, the woman I don't know but feel like I'm BFF with, refinishes old furniture and makes amazing clothes for her girls. I like my house but I'm sick of everything being so matchy matchy. So basically, I'm making my life even more crazy and "trying" to refinish some old furniture. (I'll post pictures of this very soon!)

On top of that, my sister and her family are moving to Miami. My brother in law Huey, has been looking for a new job for quite a while and a great opportunity came available in Miami. So in the matter of 2 weeks, he interviewed, accepted a job, packed and moved. It has been quite an emotional ride. My sister and I are very close, we hang out with our kids a couple times a week and we also have our new children's clothing line, My Bella Bums. This has been a very emotional ride. Although I'm excited Huey has a new job--his old job SUCKED--he and my sis and niece are moving 5 hours away!

In the last few days of packing and moving I got the pleasure of watching my niece Addison. Kylie and Addison are just like sisters, in fact if I could remember being their age I'm sure that is exactly how Tiffany would have been. One minute they love each other and can't get enough of each other the next second it's pure chaos! Here are some pictures of them in the last few days. It has been really sad because although Kylie doesn't understand the distance, she keeps saying how much she is going to miss Addison when she is in "mydadsami"....hahaha, yes, that is how she interprets Miami, my-dads-ami.


Addison LOVED sweet and sour sauce!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From the mouth of babes...

"Mommy, I want some yucky charms."