
Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Friday

The kids were playing in Kylie's room playing this morning. As I was enjoying the few minutes of pure bliss aka silence, I realized that it was too quiet too long. Thankfully when I went to check on them they were playing nice. I marked it in the calender since that has never happened before. I stood outside of the door out of sight to listen in. I heard Kylie say "Here get in Bryce." So I ran for the camera and this is what I got...
I wanted to jump in the shower while the kids were napping so I went in Kylies room to make sure she was out. She was, look how sweet she is!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Crabby Friday

It's Friday and to celebrate Kylie got up at 6am! Bryce followed right after at 6:30! I'm off to Daytona today to go to two fabric stores so before the day even gets started I'm officially calling today Crabby Friday!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

18 months

Our baby boy is 18 months old today! He is growing so fast and is about to catch up to his big sis. I am happy to say that he is sleeping through the night more nights than not. Unfortunately he has become quite an early bird lately. I'm hoping its just a phase because 6am is just too early! He is starting to talk more but he likes to rely on Kylie to speak for him. He says all sorts of words: truck, rabbit, ball, Chole, Kylie, Momma, Daddy, Papa, Dora, cup and much more. He loves Dora, I mean LOVES! He watches it and sings songs, says "backpack, backpack!" and my favorite part...spins in circles at the very end song "we did it." He loves the water hose, the beach, bike rides and of course his "hat"!